Info from the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh
ACE info shop and Leith Wholefoods
17 West Montgomery Place EH7 5HA
Tuesdays 1-4pm,
Thursdays 6-8pm
Saturdays 11am-6pm.
Cinema every Sunday 3pm.
Edinburgh Claimants advice and solidarity every Tuesday.
Telephone : 0131 557 6242
1)23rd February meet 12-1pm at Registry House
Edinburgh the Fur-Free City
Demo/Protest against the sale of fur
And every Saturday. Assemble from 12.00-13.00 outside
Registry House, East End Princes St where stall taking place.
Move on to Multrees Walk then Princes Street
2)23rd February, 7.30pm at ACE
Talk by Keith Mann (Author of 'From Dusk till Dawn')
and screening of Behind the Mask
23rd February, 7.30pm
Emails to
1World Scotland at oneworldscotland@hotmail.com OR
Edinburgh the Fur-Free City at
link to EFFC events page is
3) 29th February, 7pm at ACE
Womens Café last Friday every month at ACE, 7pm onwards
4) Every Sunday 3pm at ACE
ACE Cinema presents fantastic films... check out the full programme below!
5) Sunday 2nd March 7.30pm at ACE
Public Launch of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty, organising Solidarity Networks for mutual aid in supporting people up against the authorities
With speaker from London Coalition Against Poverty
6) 7.30pm first Wednesday of every month at ACE
Next meeting 5th March
ACE monthly organising meetings, all interested very welcome
7) Sunday 16th March 1pm at ACE
Leith Permaculture Group - Homebrew Workshop
LPG, at great expense, has managed to secure the services of Davie from Edina homebrew who, with 40 years experience, is unquestionably the most highly qualified homebrewer in Scotland.
There will be a 53p charge to all participants of the workshop to cover costs and Davie will doubtless be providing some free samples of his wonderful nectar by donation or at no charge.
Come, celebrate life on this fractured planet while you may!
Volunteers are always needed to run, use and publicise this revolutionary alternative to the status quo...
email: leithpermaculture@gmail.com for more info or 01315544995
8) 22nd February 7pm - 2am at the Forest Café, Bristo Place
Regular Queer Mutiny events planned for Edinburgh
The next QueerPARTY will be on the 22nd of February
Upstairs at the Forest Cafe
From seven till TWO AM!
www.myspace.com/queermutiny (contains link to their webpage)
9) AnarchoTV
Internet television station broadcasting programmes and films of a subversive nature.
Website: http://anarchotvscotland.blogspot.com
Email: cinemaparadiso@riseup.net
Full details of website and schedule below...
Plus a brief mention of some regular events / activities
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group - Solidarity with the indigenous zapatistas in Mexico, next organising meeting 7.30pm wed 27 Feb at ACE
The IWW revolutionary union meets at ACE second Monday of every month at 7.30pm
Action on climate change, see online whatbettertime.livejournal.com plus check out indymedia Scotland for news of latest actions
The Forum holds monthly discussions at the Quaker Meeting House, Victoria Terrace.
February’s discussion on Food has been postponed, but there will be events coming up in March and subsequent months, see http://forumcollective.wordpress.com/
Indymedia Scotland meets at ACE last Tuesday of every month, starting tues 26th February at 7.30pm
Check out www.scotland.indymedia.org for alternative news and info on many important struggles in Scotland, including resistance to the Caltongate development in Edinburgh’s Old Town, opposition to the planned cutbacks by City of Edinburgh Council and direct action on climate change.
The new free Indymedia Scotland news-sheet is available in ACE.
Digest Item no.1)
Edinburgh the Fur-Free City
Demo/Protest against the sale of fur
Every Saturday. Assemble from 12.00-13.00 outside
Registry House. Move on to Multrees Walk then
princes Street
Information Stalls
Every Saturday @ the East End of Princes Street (10.00am-13.00pm)
Fur-Free Drinks and monthly EFFC meeting
First Friday of each month, at ACE. ALL WELCOME.
Digest Item no.2)
Talk by Keith Mann (Author of 'From Dusk till Dawn')
and screening of Behind the Mask
23rd February, 7.30pm Autonomous Centre of
Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh
Emails to
1World Scotland at oneworldscotland@hotmail.com OR
Edinburgh the Fur-Free City at
link to EFFC events page is
Digest Item 3)
We have started up a womens caff at ACE which
is on the last Friday of every month. (women
only/trans welcome) This is our second one coming up
and its on Friday 29th February at 7pm onwards. The
idea is to have a space to meet up and eat together
(with or without spoken word or films etc...whatever
everyone thinks...) and to create better links for any
possible ideas or projects that might want to happen.
A women's caff called WANC (Woman Anarchist Nuisance
Cafe) happens monthly in London. They've got a website
if you want to look at what they are up to. The idea
up here was to have a space shaped by and for
solidarity around similar DIY/ autonomous/ anarchist/
feminist politics.
The idea is to rotate food buying/ skipping and
cooking every month. If anyone wants to help for this
one get in touch. I think (but I'll check) that if
whoever is cooking can't individually afford outlay
for costs and then get them back in the evening, then
it might be possible to borrow a little bit of money
from the food co-op housed at ACE and return it from
donations made for the food. I guess if we actually
happen to make any money it can go into a womens caff
kitty and go towards the next month...
Please forward to anyone who might be interested.
Digest item 4)
ACE CINEMA - film screenings, every Sunday 3-6pm
All ACE film screenings are FREE ENTRY!! Donations most welcome :o)
17th February
3pm - CONTROL ROOM [Dir. Jehane Noujaim] [2004] [84mins]
Thought-provoking look at the perils of war reporting, targeted journalist killings, reporting bias from the pperspective of AlJazeera .vs. FOX News during the initial stages of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.
5pm - SHADOW COMPANY [Dir. Nick Bicanic & Jason Bourque] [2006] [86mins]
Thousands of private soldiers operate in Iraq alone... and many more around the world. Thjs film provides a look behind the scenes at the mercenaries and security companies hired by the Pentagon to assist in the invasion, occupation, fermentation of civil war and "reconstruction" of Iraq.
24th February
RIVERS & TIDES - ANDY GOLDSWORTH WORKING WITH TIME [Dir. Thomas Riedelsheimer] [2002] [90mins]
A quiet study of some of the artwork and methods of Andy Goldsworthy, who makes his art entirely out of things in nature, generally resulting in pieces that will be consumed by nature through the normal process of entropy.
2nd March
3pm - IRAQ FOR SALE - THE WAR PROFITEERS [Dir. Robert Greenwald] [2006] [75mins]
Horrifying documentary about the state of war profiteering in Iraq as allowed or encouraged by Washington and the Pentagon. Immoral corporate activity and no-bid contracts plaguing Iraqi commerce and reconstruction efforts.
5pm (approx) - MY COUNTRY, MY COUNTRY [Dir. Laura Poitras] [2006] [90mins] [English subs.]
Six months in Iraq, culminating in the national election on January 30, 2005. We watch logistic preparations for the election, with UN, US, Australian, and local personnel unsure if the election will be held as scheduled, bracing for violence and for world attention. We also cut back and forth to Dr. Riyadh, a Sunni physician who practices at the Adhamiya Free Clinic. Will his party participate in the elections? Will he vote? Is his family safe?
9th March
YASMIN [Dir. Kenneth Glenaan][2005][87mins][English subs.]
This film looks at a young Muslim woman living in Britain campaigning for the release of her immigrant husband from his detainment in a holding centre. Yasmin lives two lives in two different worlds: in her community, she wears Muslin clothes, cooks for her father and brother and has the traditional behavior of a Muslin woman. Further, she has a non-consumed marriage with the illegal immigrant Faysal to facilitate the British stamp in his passport, and then divorce him. This session also to incorporate some feminists short films in support of International Women's Day.
16th March
3pm - INSIDE IRAN - THE MOST DANGEROUS NATION? [Dir. Ted Koppel] [2006] [89mins]
Discovery channel report on the rich history, peoples, culture and international relations of Iran. Ted Koppel, who was given three weeks rare access to make this documentary, was based in Iran for 444 days, reporting for American news networks during the 1979 hostage crisis at the American embassy in Tehran. The program's title comes from a G.W.Bush quote from 2003.
5pm - SELECTION OF IRANIAN FICTION [Dir. various] [2000-8] [60mins]
Collection of short fictional films from Iranian filmakers/directors.
23rd March
GERMANY IN AUTUMN [Dir. Alf Brustellin, Hans Peter Cloos et al] [1978] [123mins] [English subs.]
Melancholic semi-documentary about the West Germany's traumatic autumn of 1977 known as "Deutschland Herbst". The prominent businessman Hanns Martin Schleyer who was a member of the board of directors in Daimler Benz and leader in several employer and industry associations was kidnapped and killed by extreme-left Red Army Faction (RAF). He was formerly SS and worked as an important deputy and adviser to Bernhard Adolf, one of the German economic leaders. Schleyer's uncompromising position towards workers made him a target in the West Germany.
30th March
3pm - WITHOUT TEARS - THE LENNY BRUCE STORY [Dir. Fred Baker] [1972] [78mins]
The story of the pioneering taboo-breaking comedian Lenny Bruce, The film makes the case that Bruce was impoverished and broken by a series of unjust arrests and prosecutions in the 1960s. Clips of Bruce performances, "bits" as he calls them, dominate the film, from Steve Allen's TV show to night-club appearances late in life when he would mine his arrests for material.
5pm - OUTLAW COMIC - THE CENSORING OF BILL HICKS [Dir. Andy Schatzberg] [2003] [74mins]
Story of the life and work of the "Dark Poet" comedian Bill Hicks, his struggle communicating his alternative message to the ignorant and battles with television censorship. Includes clips of some of his best known material and previouly unaired segments.
6th April
3pm - FALSE-FLAG & STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM - A HISTORY [Presented by Webster Tarpley] [2007] [120mins]
Recorded presentation given last year in Edinburgh documenting the long history of states and governments funding and carrying out terrorist attrocities for political, strategic and financial gain.
5pm - THE 911 ISSUE - THE KEY TO STOPPING WORLD WAR 3 [Presented by Webster Tarpley] [2005] [120mins]
An in-depth look at the media and government propagated myths surrounding the events of 911 and their relation to subsequent formation of foreign policy, middle-eastern invasions, resource wars and the phoney "War on Terror".
13th April
3pm - OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [Dir. Rachel Boynton] [2005] [87mins]
American mercenary consultants led by James Carville go to Bolivia to influence and control the 2002 Bolivian Presidential Campaign. They claim to represent the candidate who stands the best chance of improving the plight of the Bolivian people, but in fact they are representing the candidate willing to pay them to come to Bolivia. Their client Gonzal Sanchez De Lozada is an arrogant ruling class cigar-chomping goof who does whatever the consultants say.
5pm - AMERICAN BLACKOUT [Dir. Ian Inaba] [2006] [89mins]
Chronicles the recurring patterns of the disenfranchisement of African American voters and other minority groups witnessed during US elections from 2000 to 2004, while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who took an active role in investigating these election debacles and allegations of voting fraud.
20th April
3pm - TAKING LIBERTIES SINCE 1997 [Dir. Chris Atkins] [2007] [101mins]
Film documenting the infringment of civil liberties in the UK over the last 10 years. Looks at new legeslation, police powers and technology and its effects on the right to free speech, the right to protest, the right to privacy, the perpetuation of fear in the "war on terror" and the general quashing of political dissent.
5pm - SUSPECT NATION [Dir. Neil Ferguson] [2006] [47mins]
A technology focussed look into the UK slide towards a "Surveillance Society", "Big Brother", CCTV, ID cards, Biometric Passports, and the increasing "Database State" which is beginning to penetrate almost every aspect of our lives. The program communicates the unfortunate reality that these so-called security measures and legislation effectively label us all as criminal suspects and do very little to actually protect people from terrorism and crime (their stated purpose) in proportion to their cost.
27th April
CHAIN CAMERA [Dir. Kirby Dick] [2001] [90mins]
From the director of "Sick" comes a film made with footage from 10 camcorders shared between 4192 school kids from John Marshall High School, Los Angeles. Original and candid, this documentary represents our multi-cultural environment.
Screenings begin promtly at 3pm, please try to be there on time; sessions also include time for discussions and a swapshop for related materials.
You are welcome to bring along drinks & snacks to share plus there are snacks and drinks available for sale in ACE. If you have any ideas for films you think need to be seen, or suggestions for alternative screening times/days, please do let us know.
Digest Item no.5)
7.30pm Sun 2nd March at ACE
We invite you to the public launch of
Have you or friends ever been frustrated and suffered hardship when authorities refused to listen to you and imposed some injustice on you? Then we hope you will be interested in the public launch of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty.
Speakers from London Coalition Against Poverty, Industrial Workers of the World, ACE and Edinburgh Claimants
Followed by chat about strategy and tactics
Free tea, coffee and sandwiches
Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty are getting together a phone tree of people who can turn up to support people who are having serious problems with authorities like employers, landlords, benefits authorities, debt collectors, fuel companies etc. It might be to protest at the offices of a bad landlord, or to back up someone who is having sheriff officers come to their home. It could be to demonstrate against an exploiting employer, or at a benefit office which has cut someone’s money.
First we would try talking to the authorities, but if the problem cannot be sorted out by negotiations, then we could alert everyone on the phone tree so we can all act together in solidarity.
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty have been operating such a network successfully in Canada for several years, and the recently formed London Coalition Against Poverty have already had several successful actions over homelessness in Hackney. A speaker from the London Coalition will speak at the launch about their activity.
So far Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty is backed by Edinburgh Claimants, the Industrial Workers of the World, and the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh. We are building on the long experience of Edinburgh Claimants in the fields of benefits and debt, and of the IWW in workplace issues.
Our aim is to help draw together a wide range of people and groups in the Edinburgh area interested in practical activity to build up self-organisation to combat poverty - do come along to this launch event, your contribution is needed.
Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty, c/o ACE, 17 W Montgomery Place EH7 5HA
Digest item 6)
7.30pm first Wednesday of every month at ACE
Next meetings 6th Feb and 5th March
ACE monthly organising meetings, all interested very welcome
ACE is completely volunteer-run, and we need more volunteers! Come along and find out how you can get involved, eg helping staff ACE during public opening hours, helping organise fundraising socials/ gigs, and millions of other things.
If you have a little spare cash ACE is very much in need of donations to keep going – if you can manage it, a standing order is ideal, forms available in ACE, or e mail us to get us to post you one.
Digest item 7)
Leith Permaculture Group...
Low Voltage Sound Systems
Permaculture is about making walls out of shit, roofs out of old bits of car, wildlife corridors and compassionate communication as much as it is about growing vegetables in your bedroom.
To demonstrate the holistic nature of permaculture the first learning opportunity will be on alternatives to the national grid. Matt will be taking the first workshop. He will be showing us a small 12volt mobile sound system he has designed that is towed on a small trailer behind his bike. We will also be looking at retro fitting houses with low voltage systems, local generation possibilities and wider issues surrounding energy. No experience needed.
This workshop will be preceded by lunch and a first group meeting. This is timetabled at 1.5 hours, 3hrs in total approx followed by a few short films
Home Brewing
Why give such a high proportion of your disposable income to the government? Everyone knows they only go and spend it on bombs for illegal wars in Iraq after all.... Take yourself out of this hideous dynamic by brewing your own delicious beer. You can make it so easily with only four cheap, readily available ingredients: water, sugar (organic of course), brewers yeast and a flavouring of your choice (eg nettles, raspberry, gooseberry, elderflower). You make a tea with whatever flavouring you like and then add the other ingredients, wait and then you've got free bevvy.
Building a Low Impact Roundhouse
The idea of a community hearth seems sensible for group sustainability. The double allotment site we have at Craigentinny Allotments has room enough for a small structure to be built. Group and other community members may temporarily flee the elements and also store tools etc here. A firepit outside the roundhouse completes the picture providing a welcoming, simple pleasure for all, a true asset for the community.
Community Garden Project
The allotments at Craigentinny provided at no cost by the council provide the group with an valuable resource. Although the site is partially waterlogged and therefore not suitable for traditional allotment style veg growing water loving plants will thrive:
'The problem is the solution' as they say in permaculture. The idea of an indigenous herbal patch being incorporated into the design has been suggested. Tying this into the existing Leith Wholefoods food coop and plans for further workshops around the theme of homoeopathy are ideas that have been proposed...
Guerilla Gardening
The Land Is Ours! There is so much unused land in Edinburgh why wait to be issued an allotment? It is possible to take control of your own food supply and grow at least some of your own food, free!!! Now!!!
Method 1
Ask your neighbours if you can use their land. They will probably be delighted to let you and it means they don't have to worry about costly 'boring' garden maintenance. Don't be shy, people with big gardens are often too busy to be bothered with their gardens and are often embarrassed / guilty the little use they make of it. Mutually beneficial, all nice and legal!
Method 2
Don't even ask anyone! Find a patch of unused land (eg a derelict tenement back green) and just start using it. This can present small problems, so you may only get away with it for one growing season, but people do it all the time! It can often be better to get 'retrospective' permission. Once people see what a lovely job you're making (with the assistance of your friends at Leith Permaculture Group for all the jobs you can't handle on your own of course) they will be impressed and possibly even want a shot.
Small projects like that can serve as inspiration nurturing both the land and its people!
The money centralises power and wealth by its very nature. Kick it in the balls by opting out as much as possible! Edinburgh has its own thriving cashless trading system. Trading without money means that HM Govt. can't hawk in on your hard earned. It is not classed as taxable income so you've saved 25% before you even start. Interested?
Plus... people on bene?ts can trade legally under the scheme. These schemes are as old as humanity itself and are brilliant.
It's simple: after you join the scheme, you are given an account number and a directory of goods and services. You ring up say a hairdresser and negotiate a deal for a number of 'Reekies', the currency unit. Your account is then debited. You square your account by providing services to others by any means you see ?t, or by participating in the admin of the scheme.
Volunteers are always needed to run, use and publicise this revolutionary alternative to the status quo...
email: leithpermaculture@gmail.com for more info or 01315544995
Digest Item 8)
Edinburgh QueerMutiny is a new collective dedicated to creating alternative, autonomous space for queers in Edinburgh.
The next QueerPARTY will be on the 22nd of February
Upstairs at the Forest Cafe
From seven till TWO AM!
Expect free food, a short film about a queer woman's collective in Berlin, twister, musical chairs, body/face painting, Dave Hughes is coming to RIOT FOLK us up! - and at least two DJs.
Expect chaos.
And fun.
We also plan to hold QueerMutiny film nights, and discussionnnss.
That way we can have a space to party AND a space to be clever
Final details to come soon.
If you want to get involved check out our myspace or our website
In the the next couple of weeks we really need help with publicitiy
(flyposting and flyering)
Digest Item 9)
AnarchoTV Schedule
*Regular broadcasts*
Saturdays 12am - late evening : Democracy Now! Omnibus
*One-off broadcasts*
Wednesday February 27th 8-9pm : Dead Society
Wednesday March 12th 7.30pm-8.30pm (date and time tbc) : Answer Time
Live interactive broadcast of a Question Time nature but with local activists instead.
This evening's show's topic will be on the topic of Housing.
Interact with the show by sending in your questions via our chat room on the night or send an email with your questions for our speakers just now to cinemaparadiso@riseup.net
The chat room is open at all times so you can start debating now on our website and can carry on debating after the broadcast has finished.
*Our website is at anarchotvscotland.blogspot.com where you can access our live/viral video player, an archive and podcast of previous material shown on the channel, regularly updated listings of radical activies happening throughout Scotland and shout at people in our chat room all from the comfort of your home,office or nearest internet cafe.
For more information send all queries to cinemaparadiso@riseup.net*
ACE also offers a range of workshops and resources to the local community including:
Leith Wholefood Co-op, Local Permaculture Group, Edinburgh Claimants Support, Alternative Film Screenings, Free Internet Access, A room for meetings, Local News and Information, Campaign Literature, Magazines, Books and much much more... Why not pay us a visit sometime?!
Child-friendly and wheelchair accessible
Regular Opening Times: Tuesdays 1-4pm, Thursdays 6-8pm, Saturdays
11am-6pm, Sundays 3-6pm
Phone: (0131) 557 6242
Website: http://www.autonomous.org.uk
Email: ace@autonomous.org.uk
ace mailing list
free hosting by http://www.mutualaid.org
8th March 2008
1pm at the North Gate, Faslane Naval Base
Music, dancing, poetry, blockading...
Subvert gender stereotypes and defy the macho posturing of the nuclear
state - you don't need a big gun to be powerful
All genders welcome ~ Dresses on men and beards on women accepted, but not
Visit the peace camp before and after for extra excitement...
Public transport from Glasgow: catch either the 216 bus from Jamaica
Street or the train from Queen Street station low-level to Helensburgh.
When in Helensburgh catch the 316 bus from opposite the train station.
By car from Glasgow: Head towards Dumbarton, getting onto the A814. Follow
signs for Helensburgh, then continue past the town, still on the A814, for
another 6 miles along the lochside.
If you'd like to stay the night, please try to let us know... or bring a
tent!Contact fpc on 01436 820 901
Welcome to another Glasgow Autonomy Update.
This weekend, head down to Talamh for some tree planting and habitat management. There's also a chance to explore the grounds and find out more about the housing co-op and environmental project. Don't forget yer wellies!
Have a good week!
Positive Action in Housing Appeal - ongoing
Can you give a small but regular donation of £10 per month (or whatever you can afford) to help Positive Action in Housing provide food and temporary shelter for destitute asylum seekers in Glasgow?
Hundreds of destitute people are now relying on Positive Action in Housing to help them survive hunger and destitution.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. Email
with any queries or offers of support and we will then contact you.
2. Make A One Off Payment Online:
3. Internet Banking: Set up a regular payment through your own internet banking by paying into the following account:
Name of Account: Positive Action in Housing
Current account: 00447398 Sort Code 82 20 00
Please remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, please gift aid your donation so that we can reclaim 25% from the Inland Revenue.
4. Make out a cheque payable to: Positive Action in Housing, and post to PAIH, 98 West George Street, Glasgow G2 1PJ.
Join the Glasgow Asylum Bail Circle - ongoing
Do you have a spare room? If so you could help get an asylum seeker out of
Dungavel detention centre. The people sent there have committed no crime and
frequently become depressed and anxious during their detention.
If you can offer temporary accomodation and would like to be involved in
this extremely rewarding project, please contact us via the Unity Centre.
The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992
theunitycentre [at] btconnect.com
The Unity Centre - ongoing
UNITY is the new, rapidly growing, union of asylum seekers formed by
asylum seekers to fight for greater rights for asylum seekers and
sans papiers.
The UNITY Centre at 30 Ibrox Street is open five days a week near to
the Home Office Immigration centre. Here families who are scared of
being detained when reporting at the Immigration Centre can 'sign
in' before reporting so we can quickly alert their lawyers, friends and
relatives if they are detained.
We offer friendly, practical solidarity and mutual aid to all asylum
seekers, refugees and sans papiers. Phone our 24 hour action line on
0141 427 7992 if you need help.
The Centre is completley run by volunteers and funded by donations -
please get in touch to help this exciting, new project.
The UNITY Centre, 30 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AQ. Tel: 0141 427 7992
theunitycentre [at] btconnect.com
Faslane Peace Camp needs visitors!
Faslane Peace Camp recently celebrated its 23rd year of direct
action to oppose the Trident nuclear submarines stationed 30 miles
north of Glasgow. Visitors are always welcome, for a day, a week,
or longer!
Directions: Train from Glasgow Queen Street or 216 bus from Jamaica
Street to Helensburgh Central. Then catch the 316 bus to the peace
For more info and to check the current situation: 01436 820 901
Arrange a Nukewatch film screening - ongoing
Award winning video activist collective Camcorder Guerillas will be
launching their new film about Nukewatch in November 2007.
This film is a must see for all people concerned about nuclear weapons
and their transportation around the UK. Make sure people in your area
get the chance to see this important film. Order a copy now for £10
(including action pack and postage) and start to organise a screening in
your area.
Get in touch if you want to know more. If you would like a speaker to
come along to the screening that could be arranged. We would need you to
be responsible for booking a venue and making sure the screening is
publicised locally.
The Camcorder Guerillas are a voluntary organisation. If you or your
organisation are able to order an institutional copy (costing £75) you
will be directly supporting the production of the film and your
generosity will be appreciated by both the Camcorder Guerillas and
Contact: film at nukewatch.org.uk or 07788 503761
Talamh Tree Weekend - Friday 15th - Sunday 17th February
10am to 4pm each day
Talamh Life Centre, Birkhill House, Coalburn, South Lanarkshire.
ML11 0NJ
This February weekend we will be tree and hedge planting, taking care of
trees already planted, tidying up living willow structures, and
providing general habitat maintenance.
As usual, soup for lunch will be available and hot drinks during the day.
Come and take part in what's going on, or you're welcome to just visit
during the weekend to see what’s happening and have a look and walk
around the 50 acre site.
Talamh has tree care and tree planting weekends in November and
February, during the planting season. Bring warm and waterproof clothes,
and suitable footwear – it's muddy here!
For more info and travel directions contact - 07811 600 712 or email
talamh@lineone.net. or see www.talamhlifecentre.org.uk
Talamh Housing Co-op - ongoing
If you fancy a few days away, and would like to come and help out
for a few days, or just for the day in a busy, sometimes chaotic
community, but fun too, then get in touch. Extra help is welcomed in
the gardenesp over the summer months, and with lots of other stuff too!
Visitor space is in a basic static caravan with wood burner.
Talamh is lucky to be set in 50 acres of land, and is home to 10
adults, 4 children, visitors, 4 dogs, a cat and chickens. It's a
member of Radical routes, a network of co-ops working for social
For more info contact: talamh@lineone.net or phone 01555 820550 also
see http://www.talamh.org.uk
Glasgow Critical Mass - Friday 29th February
A happy coincidence of cyclists (i.e. YOU) getting together to ride
through Glasgow, have fun and make our streets more human, less
All welcome!
Last Friday of every month, 5:30pm, George Square
Glasgow Permaculture Network - new group
A Proposal:
To establish and develop a Glasgow-based network of individuals dedicated to carrying out hands-on environmental projects based on permaculture principles.
Possible projects might include:
Backcourt clean-ups / Taking on or helping out with allotments / Guerrilla gardening and intervention / Highlighting neglected places and spaces left over after planning /
Outreach work / Food co-op
The network should be independent, autonomous and self-supporting, relying on hands-on voluntary work rather than council or government agency funding.
Let me know what you think...
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army - local group
Glasgow Kiss Clowns now meet irregularly at various
locations - for more info contact mashtram (AT)
Creative Activism Training with Glasgow Kiss - Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th March
Clownesque Techniques, Physical Theatre & Political Performance with
Glasgow Kiss
10am - 5pm
Carnival Arts Centre, 34 Albion St, Glasgow
to book a place if you want to come!
please email Svenja : jampaz@riseup.net
throughout the weekend, we are hoping to touch on a variety of
techniques, including elements of the Rebel Clown training, other
clown techniques, physical theatre and perhaps forum theatre. It will
be challenging & is for people who want to explore different ways of
using our bodies and minds for nonviolent civil disobedience and
creative colourful ways of alternative living. And it will be
interactive - not just "us" teaching "you", but us all going through
an exciting group process together. And of course it will be a weekend
full of joy, outrageous silliness and frivolous fun. Bring on the
- please remember to book a place so that we get a rough ideas of
numbers, and please come only if you can make the full weekend
training. if you can't make both days for exceptional reasons, please
contact us.
- the training is absolutely free! Only bring your enthusiasm. If you
need a place to stay in Glasgow overnight, we should be able to
arrange floor space if you let us know in advance.
IWW Meeting - March meeting
Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World branch meeting, for workers in
Glasgow and surrounding area. Radical union for workers not bosses. Open
also to prospective and lapsed members.
7-9pm, date and venue TBC
enquiries 07910 627 970
Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign - ongoing
Graham Meldrum was killed in a workplace incident on the 12th of July 2005
at Allied Bakeries in the Balmore Industrial Estate. He was employed by
Suziline Agency contracted to ABF Grains (formerly known as Allied Bakeries)
& TNT Logistics UK. His death is now the subject of a prosecution under
Health & Safety Laws.
HARD WORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE..? For more information contact:
The Graham Meldrum Memorial Campaign, GreenCity,
23 Fleming St, Dennistoun, Glasgow, G31 1PQ
Anarchist History Channel - ongoing
Hi: would you be so kind as to let people know of the following anarchist
film (feature/documentary) channel:
At http://tinyurl.com/t8sta
You might like to note that two new documentaries ‹ The Angry Brigade and
'Persons Unknown'‹ have now been added to the Anarchist History channel on
the Anarchist History channel
Please note that you can have these films shown freely on your own website
by applying to join the affiliate/syndication programme at
All we ask you to do is send us the url and a brief description about the
website where the Player will be located. It's dead simple, really!
See also http://www.londonfreetv.com
New Radical Films Online
Four new films posted on the ChristieBooks Brightcove film channel
Viva Zapata! (1952) on
Burn! (Quemada!) (1969) on
Tupamaros on
Cuba - Memoria Sindical on
ChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 2UX, UK
A busy weekend for the channel, filming at both The Forum in Edinburgh and
The New Year Reshuffle in Govan,
You can download the footage in full for both of these events by following
the links below...
New Year Reshuffle -
The Forum -
For more information email cinemaparadiso@riseup.net
Variant Magazine - Winter issue out now
...the free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coverage
in the context of broader social, political & cultural issues.
text : full issue
PDF : full issue
New Housing Co-operative for Glasgow - ongoing
Would you like to become involved in a new Housing Co-operative in Glasgow?
We are looking for people to help start a housing and community project with
the aim to co-create a communal living place and also to provide spaces and
create situations for a wide-range of cultural and political events.
We are an open collective based on mutual aid and trust who would like to
hear from people who are interested in making a colourful and welcoming
As we wish to help shape our communities and contribute to social and
environmental change, we also envisage the opening of a space that acts as a
neighbourhood hub. This might involve facilitating a self-organised
community centre, a not-for-profit café and bookshop, the setting up of
studios for local artists, workshops for workers’ co-operatives, office
space for campaign groups, producing a vegetable garden, and so on.
Should you wish to contact us for more information, please feel free to
Feminist Network Meeting - Tuesday 26th February
RSAMD, intersection of Renfrew Street and Hope Street
The building is completely accessible. Come in the ground level entrance (to the left of the big steps) and you will see signs directing you to the room we'll be in.
A collection will be made for childcare costs, dependent on the generosity of women attending.
Add us as friends on myspace!
Join our facebook group!
Until the Violence Stops - Tuesday 4th March
Glasgow Feminist Network invite you to a V-Day event as a part of our Week of Action leading up to International Women's Day.
All proceeds will be donated to Women's Aid Glasgow and The Women of New Orleans.
email glasgowfeministnetwork@hotmail.co.uk to reserve a ticket.
£5 adults /£3 concessions.
Bildwechsel Glasgow - Wednesday 5th March
Bildwechsel Glasgow presents…. independent and d.i.y. films from glasgow, scottish, uk and international women / lesbian / transgender / feminist / queer film makers www.bildwechselglasgow.wordpress.com
7.30pm at CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street
A free but ticketed event – get your tickets at the cca box office:
Tel. 0141 352 4900
Throughout United Kingdom
Hands Off Iraqi Oil has two new resources available to UK groups for the day
of action on Saturday 23 February:
- New basic campaign leaflets (A5) - for giving out to the general public
- Large Hands Off Iraqi Oil posters (A2) - perfect for mounting on to card
and turning into placards
You can see what they look like on the website at: www.handsoffiraqioil.org.
To order copies email handsoffiraqioil@gmail.com saying how many you'd like
and including your postal address. Materials are free but donations are
Momentum is building for the day of action on Saturday 23 February. In the
UK, actions are already planned in Bangor, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol,
Cambridge, Cardiff, Hastings, Halifax, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester,
Norwich and St Andrews. In the US, actions are planned in Washington DC and
Dallas, Texas. Find out the latest confirmed details at
Is your town listed? If not, there's still time to organise an event! Simply
follow this handy three step guide:
1. Choose your location. You can find your nearest Shell or BP petrol
station using the store locators on their websites:
BP: http://tinyurl.com/2hypjr
Shell: http://tinyurl.com/2hlrj5
2. Prepare and publicise. Order some Hands Off Iraqi Oil posters and
leaflets, or make your own banners, signs and placards. Publicise it to your
friends, contacts and the local press (there will a template media release
on the website shortly). If you want the details listed publicly (e.g. by
email and on the website) email them to handsoffiraqioil@gmail.com.
3. Hold the protest. Take some pictures, post a report on Indymedia.org.uk
and send the link to handsoffiraqioil@gmail.com.
as part of the National HOIO day of action.
Saturday 23rd February 2003
Meet 12.20pm, Bond Street Tube
Come and join a piratical tour of institutions and corporations involved in
the corporate occupation of Iraq.
See http://tinyurl.com/2oh6b7 and http://tinyurl.com/3e27pg for background
and pictures from a previous piratical excursion
Expect booty, comedy, sea-shanties and surprises…. dress as a pirate if you
want.... landlubbers welcome!
Shiver me timbers. They profit from the stormy conditions of occupied lands,
economically sunk and shocked by war.
Through glittering shindigs, they bring buccaneers and soldiers of fortune
together. Their plundering they call 'development', their privatisations
they call 'partnerships', and their profiteering they call 'investments'.
Its high time these booty-hoarders were exposed! Come and join the London
Hands Off Iraqi Oil tour of corporate pirates, ooo aaarrrrrr, me hearties!
London is home to many of the energy companies, private military security
companies (PMSCs) and lobbyists which are fuelling and profiteering from the
war and occupation in Iraq.
Five years on, Iraq has two occupations – the military and the economic. One
kept in place with 160,000 troops, 30,000 mercenaries, military bases and
prison camps, and the other with Occupation imposed laws, IMF dictates and a
coercively produced neo-liberal constitution. Both rob the Iraqi people of
their sovereignty, dignity and future independence. Both need to be
This action is about exposing the war profiteers and the doctrine of
breaking populations and countries in the name of breaking into new markets.
We want to re-affirm and celebrating the courage of the Iraqi people in
defying these occupations, particularly Iraq's trade unions, fighting the
theft of their resources and livelihoods.
Come in solidarity, and don't forget your cutlass!.........
HANDS OFF IRAQI OIL is a UK coalition of development, anti-war,
environmental and human rights groups. Coalition members are War on Want,
PLATFORM, Voices UK, Iraq Occupation Focus, Jubilee Iraq, and Corporate
Watch UK. Supporters include the Stop the War Coalition and Naftana. For
more information see our website at: www.handsoffiraqioil.org.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
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